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Cuban Son and Cuban Identity
According to Fernanado Ortiz, a famous Cuban anthropologist, the first son played an important role to signify the nationalistic and democratic awakening of music.
According to Robbin Moore, son represents the "firsts" of the Cuban society:
1. It is the first musical form in Cuba with the use of bongo.
2. the first street genre of music which got accepted nationally without a lot of changes of its style.
3. the first working-class genre which gained popularity and heard on records and radio.
Although Cuban people favored the culture brought from the United States, the political climate caused an anti-American sentiment to develop and American music and culture were discouraged. Only sones and other Cuban nationalist genres were recorded and heard on the radio.
Alejo Carpentier, a Liberal intellectual, described son as the inspiration of high art.
Son music inspired art music composition since the melody of sones can be borrowed without compensation:
For example, in Concierto noble para violin y orquesta
Alejandro GarcÃa Caturla (1906-1940) borrowed melodies as the central theme from the popular sones "Que malas son las mujeres" and "Papa Montero"
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